What Is Hellraiser?

Compared to my knowledge of Care Bears, my knowledge of Hellraiser is not as complete.  However, I know the basics and if more information is needed, you can go to this Wiki.  I went to this wiki for a lot of information, unless otherwise noted.

The original Hellraiser movie was released in 1987, directed by Clive Barker and based on his 1986 short novel, The Hellbound Heart.  The whole series revolves around a Hell-like dimension ruled by a race of demon-like creatures called Cenobites that love to kidnap humans and perform torture on them for their own pleasure (Pirnia).  There's enough information on the Internet and in the public consciousness that everyone has at least seen a picture of the Cenobite leader, Pinhead, at some point in their lives.

Image found here
Scary looking guy, ain't he?  Now, if you look at that image, you'll see a box at the bottom.  That puzzle box opens a gate to the Hell-like dimension that the Cenobites call home.  The Cenobites are constantly looking for people to solve that puzzle box and open a door to their dimension because they live for torturing others.  In fact, their look was designed to resemble S&M gear to subliminally communicate this pleasure/pain principle (Pirnia).

The Cenobites have no empathy.  They live in their separate dimension, enjoying their days by torturing their prisoners and waiting for the puzzle box to bring them new contestants into their fun little game.

Horror movies tend to be cheap to produce and bring in a lot at the box office, and Hellraiser is no different.  On a budget of $1 million, bringing in $14 million is a huge profit (Pirnia).  This is why horror movies get so many sequels.  Even when they become less popular, their budgets are reduced, marketing is reduced, and they get a direct-to-video release instead of a theatrical run and still make money.  And as they say in the Hellraiser series, they have such sights to show you.

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